Saturday, February 25, 2012

Japan Trip Volume #1

  Konichiwa! I have always thought of how Japan looks like and how the Japanese people live. I also always dreamed of going to Japan and I really went there! I went to Japan on July 2007 when I was around four and a half years old. We went there by plane. The flight was at 12:00 A.M. My dad was already there in Japan because he went there for work, so me, my mom and my one and a half years old brother went there together. My mom already called the Taxi and while we waited in our room already ready, I fell asleep around 9:00 P.M. When the Taxi came, my mom left my brother and I in our room, and took the luggage to the Taxi first and went back upstairs to carry Brandon down and went back in again and carried me to the Taxi. Then finally we went to the airport. I opened my eyes in the Taxi but I was still sleepy. I opened my eyes a little bit to see where we were going. When I saw the airport, I opened my eyes so wide to really check if it really was the airport, and it was! I was so excited that I couldn't sleep in the airplane. I slept around 2:00 A.M in the airplane instead. It was five hours until we reached Japan. Japan is three hours faster than Thailand, so we reached there around 8:00 A.M. We went by bus to the bus stop from the airport around the apartment we are going to stay in. The ride in the bus from the airport to the apartment was about 1 hour long. When we reached the bus stop, my dad came to pick us up, we had to walk to the apartment. We were very tired but we still had to walk all the way there. We reached the apartment. We were even more tired and went to sleep. (v_v)-> So tired...(LoL) Ooohhh...Going to sleep...Bye...zZzZzZ...(L_L) (v.v) I was thinking where we would go the next day while sleeping. We went here the next day. l_l

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